Supply chain
doValue, in carrying out its activities, uses suppliers who mainly provide professional, consulting and support services in the ICT area, as well as facilities for the Group’s offices.
In order to ensure sustainability and traceability of suppliers, the Group manages its own supply chain responsibly: for this reason, it has established its own register of suppliers with the aim to verify the possession, by the same, of specific requirements.
doValue, through a selection and qualification process of its own sources of supply, has established a register of suppliers and a subsequent vendor list to which are admitted just entities in possession of specific requirements, defined by Company policies in the area of safety and by regulations/certifications of the Country. Moreover, ongoing evaluations are carried out on Environmental, Social and Reputational issues.
In particular, through the use of the suppliers register, doValue is now able to qualify and monitor its “vendor list” not only on the basis of technical-commercial parameters, but also including environmental and social, as well as safety indicators in the assessment.
Potential suppliers are asked to fill in a questionnaire/ clause for the collection and acceptance of a series of information of administrative, ethical, social, environmental and occupational safety nature:
- acceptance of doValue’s personal data processing document;
- acceptance of the doValue Organisation and management model 231/2001;
- acceptance of the doValue Code of Ethics;
- adherence to the anti-mafia law 136/2010;
- acceptance of the doValue Anti-corruption Policy;
- self-declaration of absence of pending offences and sanctions related to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001;
- declaration of having a corporate responsibility system Supply chain 5.5 105 with standards similar to those established by standard SA 8000, and possibly having certification;
- declaration, for suppliers belonging to relevant product categories, of having an environmental management system with standards comparable to those established by ISO 14001, and possibly having certification;
- social insurance contribution regularity (DURC);
- occupational safety (RAD);
- compliance and application of collective agreements (National Collective Labour Agreement - CCNL).
The suppliers assessment is carried out continuously by doValue, in order to monitor the level and quality of provided services.
All this information and requirements represent the minimum and necessary set that the supplier must provide in order to access the qualification process.This phase determines the maintenance or variation of the score assigned during the qualification phase. It guides the future choices of Central Purchasing (CP), offering the chance to carry out any corrective actions in good time.
This approach has the dual advantage of identifying and hiring suppliers with limited environmental impact and raising awareness in market.
Vendor Rating
Constant assessment of vendor ratings is planned and executed continuously including also measurement of the performance of the supply relationships, through the collection of KPIs provided by all involved units (e.g. contract holder, Administration, Compliance, Risk Management, key user, etc.) and reported in logical tree structures, which are assigned appropriate weights and defined valuation metrics.
The result of this phase determines a score based on the monitoring of required and contracted service levels. This indicator represents for doValue an important assessment tool that allows to identify, on time, contract gaps and carry out any actions to remedy.
Continuos Monitoring
Continuous monitoring of information and qualification parameters is envisaged through updating by the supplier itself (obligation explained in the portal use regulations) and a set of controls and automatisms that generates alerts for Central Purchasing and any units involved. The main intervention areas concerning extension of the procurement source quality checking and monitoring activities include:
- introduction of a section on checking for any conflicts of interest in the qualification questionnaire, with relevant implementation of the monitoring and intervention controls;
- introduction of a section on anti-corruption in the questionnaire, with verification of ISO 37001 certification, with activation of a dedicated due diligence process if necessary.
Finally, several questions/requirements in the ESG field were included among the technical requirements assessed for determining the ranking in 2023 when carrying out multi-parameter tenders.
doValue is committed to fulfill high social, environmental, health and safety standards at work. For this reason, we require our suppliers to share and comply with this approach as also established by the Group’s Code of Ethics, and various local and national laws and regulations.
- Addresses maximum working hours
Through the supplier qualification we monitor the possible type and adhesion to a National Collective Agreement (CCNL) that guarantees pay and working hours regulated by the contract itself.
- Addresses corporal Punishment/disciplinary practices
Through the qualification, the supplier is obliged to produce the DVR (Risk Assessment Document) where all the possible risks and the related safeguards to cover the risks highlighted are listed.
In addition, the Supplier during the qualification phase is obliged to accept and respect the Group Code of Ethics that: protects the moral and physical integrity of individuals, ensuring working conditions respectful of personal dignity and safe and healthy environments and promoting the development of its resources to improve and increase the social heritage, as well as developing the professionalism and skills already possessed. Any activity which may involve the exploitation or enslavement of any individual and any form of exploitation of child labour, as well as the submission of the worker to working conditions or degrading methods of surveillance, shall be prohibited. >>
- Addresses freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Through the supplier qualification we monitor the possible type and adhesion to a National Collective Agreement (CCNL) that in addition to the aforementioned safeguards (point 1 guarantees the freedom of association of workers by excluding any kind of discrimination and retaliation.
- Addresses acceptable living conditions
Through the qualification we monitor the respect of working conditions and the safety of the same. The supplier is obliged to produce the DVR (Risk Assessment Document) where all the possible risks and their safeguards to cover the risks highlighted are listed. In addition, the Supplier during the qualification phase is obliged to accept and respect the Group Code of Ethics that: protects the moral and physical integrity of individuals, ensuring working conditions respectful of personal dignity and safe and healthy environments and promoting the development of its resources to improve and increase the social heritage, as well as developing the professionalism and skills already possessed. Any activity which may involve the exploitation or enslavement of any individual and any form of exploitation of child labour, as well as the submission of the worker to working conditions or degrading methods of surveillance, shall be prohibited. >>