The Charter of Values enhances the Group’s value system and aims to promote a business management model characterised by integrity, respect, and honesty towards all Stakeholders, as well as the adoption of professional and ethical conduct.

We contribute to maintaining equilibrium in the economy, favouring financial inclusion.
The provision of credit is one of the main drivers of growth and economic development. It allows to undertake entrepreneurial projects that create innovation and employment and to start personal projects related to fundamental stages of our lives.
The management of non-performing loans is a fundamental activity that boosts economic growth, promotes a more efficient and equitable allocation of resources within society and allows debtor clients to be included again in the economic and financial system.

In the sector in which we operate, we consider essential to develop a relationship of trust with our Stakeholders that is based on constant and proactive dialogue. We adopt high standards of quality and act responsibly by committing ourselves to spreading a culture of shared values aimed at supporting compliance with ethical behaviour.
The doValue Charter of Values is addressed to all Stakeholders: shareholders, investors, employees, customers, institutions, associations and communities. The Charter, in line with the Group's Code of Ethics, defines the principles that inspire the relationships and behaviours of doValue’s people, to actively contribute to the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable future.

The Charter of Values defines the identity and culture of doValue, contains the shared rules that define the relationship with the Group's Stakeholders in line with the Code of Ethics, and formalises a series of principles that integrate doValue's heritage of corporate values.
The Charter of Values was developed in collaboration with FEduF - Foundation for Financial Education and Savings.

We use various communication channels to provide information that is simple, clear, univocal, and accessible to all stakeholders.

doValue adopts constructive behaviours and actions to reach innovative and sustainable solutions for its stakeholders.

The doValue ecosystem is based on relationships with its stakeholders to meet their needs and improve relationship quality. doValue constantly works to enhance the efficiency of its services and increase the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

Engaging in active dialogue means not only understanding but also listening to our stakeholders to grasp the emotional communication behind the words: empathy and attentiveness to our stakeholders are essential for meaningful information exchange.

In providing all services, our employees respect the necessary procedures and regulations to protect the Group’s stakeholders.
We contribute to the sustainable development of the financial system.

The doValue Group has embedded ESG principles within its corporate strategy.

The doValue Group is committed to integrating Sustainability into corporate strategy.

We foster relationships based on continuous and proactive dialogue.

We manage our supply chain responsibly.