The Company part of the listed doBank Group for the ninth consecutive year obtains one of the highest ratings in Europe, confirming its position of "Primary and special loan servicer" in Italy
"Primary and special loan servicer" in Italy
Verona, November 15, 2017 – doBank S.p.A. (the "Company" or "doBank") announces that its subsidiary Italfondiario S.p.A. obtained from S&P Global Ratings the "STRONG" rating for the ninth consecutive year.
S&P GIobal Ratings as affirmed on Italfondiario as Primary and Special Loan Servicer In Italy. The outlook is stable.
S&P Global Ratings underline how Italfondiario, that manage performing and non-performing loans for the major Italian banking groups and institutional investors, has a significant track record with flexible loan management model and effective policies and procedures.
The Company part of doBank Group, has held the highest market ratings awarded by the main international Agencies and has established Partnerships with banks and financial institutions for problematic loans management.
Italfondiario, thanks to the perfect complementarity with doBank, represent a strategic Partner for banks and institutional investors for the performing and non performing loans management and the independent Servicer with the highest ratings required in Gacs operations.