The External Network and the Deontological Code of the External Network
The doValue Group utilises both its own employees, all of whom are highly skilled and experienced in analysing, managing and monitoring the debt collection process, as well as a network of more than 1,400 external lawyers and other professionals such as chartered accountants, notaries and financial services agents, all highly experienced in their respective fields.
How to join the doValue Network
We select External Professionals, Debt Recovery Companies and External Lawyers throughout Italy and offer to enter into a freelance professional collaboration agreement with them, governed by a specific Preferential Loan Management Agreement.
Being part of the doValue network means being able to count on an in-depth knowledge of the NPL market, solid loan management experience and specific, qualified training.
doValue has updated the Deontological Code of the External Network
In carrying out its activities, doValue makes use of a selected and qualified External Network, who undertake, by signing the Deontological Code, to conform to the ethical principles and values shared with the Group. Their professionalism represents an added value in the quality of the services provided by doValue and contributes to the construction of a sustainable credit market.
doValue in collaboration with FEduF - Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio – has updated the Deontological Code of the External Network in line with the principles of the Charter of Values, to promote a business management model characterized by
the principles of integrity and respect to our debtor clients.
Processing of personal data of the External Network
Pursuant to Article 13 GDPR, doValue informs its external network of the data processing related to the management of the collaboration relationship.